Kanacillin ® MC
Kanamycin acid sulfate +Penicillin G ( procain ) +Prednisolone ( acetate )
Intramammary sterile infusion for lactating cows
Pharmaceutical composition: Each 10 g syringe contains:
– Kanamycin acid sulfate 50,000 international units
Penicillin G (procain ) 100/000 I.U.
Prednisolone ( acetate ) 40 mg
– Oily base q.s. 10 g
Pharmaceutical specifications: Kanamycin is an aminoglycoside bacteriocidal antibiotic which acts by inhibiting the synthesis of protein in susceptible microotganism. Penicillin prevents the attachment of peptidoglycan in the cell wall.
Combination of kanamycin and Penicillin have positive effects against of streptococcus spp., Ecoli and other susceptible microorganisms. The available prednisolone also exerts a suitable anti-inflammatory effect.
• Target species: : Cattle
Indications:Treatment of mastitis in lactating cow.