محصولات - Canacilin® MC

Kanacillin ® MC

Kanamycin acid sulfate +Penicillin G ( procain ) +Prednisolone ( acetate )

Intramammary sterile infusion for lactating cows

Pharmaceutical composition: Each 10 g syringe contains:
– Kanamycin acid sulfate 50,000 international units
Penicillin G (procain ) 100/000 I.U.
Prednisolone ( acetate ) 40 mg
– Oily base q.s. 10 g

Pharmaceutical specifications: Kanamycin is an aminoglycoside bacteriocidal antibiotic which acts by inhibiting the synthesis of protein in susceptible microotganism. Penicillin prevents the attachment of peptidoglycan in the cell wall.
Combination of kanamycin and Penicillin have positive effects against of streptococcus spp., Ecoli and other susceptible microorganisms. The available prednisolone also exerts a suitable anti-inflammatory effect.

• Target species: : Cattle

Indications:Treatment of mastitis in lactating cow.

Method and dosage:
  • Shake the syringe before use.
  • Wash teats thoroughly with warm water containing a suitable antiseptic. Dry teats thoroughly. Milk out udder completely. Wipe each teat by an alcohol pad separately. Infuse one syringe into each affected quarter. Repeat the treatment for maximum 3 times in 12 hours. Shake the syringe before use. Clean the head of each pacifier with a separate alcohol pad. The contents of each syringe should be injected into the affected area through the milk duct. If necessary, the injection should be repeated after 12 hours.
    In order to better absorb the drug, after injection, the breast is taken from the bottom up
  • For Veterinary Use Only
  • Do not use in dry period.
  • Hypersensitirity to penicillins should be considered.
  • Keep out of reach of children and pregnant women.
• Withdrawal period:
  • Milk: 4 days ، Meat: 6 days
• Storage:
  • Keep in below 25° C, and protect from direct sunlight.
• Packaging:
  • 30 ×10 g intramammary syringes
  • 30 syringes of 8 grams

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